Wednesday, March 3, 2010

20 Things I DON'T Do:

1. Read the Ensign every month.
2. Floss daily.
3. Clean the kitchen floor with a mop.
4. Answer my phone if I don't know the number.
5. Use the AC in my car sparingly during the hot summer months.
6. Make dinner every night.
7. My hair.
8. Wake up early.
9. Go to funerals.
10. Eat enough veggies.
11. Shopping sprees.
12. Exercise (in any form).
13. Buy name brand.
14. Write in a journal.
15. Take off my make-up before bed.
16. Shave my legs regularly.
17. Scrapbook.
18. Wear a bra.
19. Vote.
20. Carry cash.

We're all human, right!?

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