Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Anal...or AWESOME!?!

Because it's pre-flu season and since I have been babysitting so many kids, I decided it's time to DISINFECT.

dis·in·fect: (dis′in fekt′)
transitive verb
to destroy the harmful bacteria, viruses, etc. in or on; sterilize

This means I rallied every single toy in the house and cleaned it. Here are the steps I took:
1. Collected toys to be cleaned and sanitized in the dishwasher.

2. Dried toys thoroughly, then wiped with Clorox wipes, and sprayed with bleach.

3. Some toys/books cannot go through the dishwasher, so they were sprayed with antibacterial cleaner, then sprayed with bleach.

4. Did 1 full load of laundry, including stuffed animals, plush toys, doll clothes, etc.

5. Hung items to dry, then sprayed with antibacterial cleaner.

Not only do I feel great, but I feel even better about kids coming over to play!

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