It discusses very real household duty issues.
Here are some highlights I wanted to share with you:
1. According to a recent poll of Parents readers, 61% of moms handle at least 80% of the household and child-care duties.
2. 4% of moms say their husbands do absolutely nothing to help around the house.

3. Does this sound familiar to anyone else?
4. The article encourages splitting these duties 50/50, but I think that seems awfully unrealistic. INSTEAD, here are some suggestions:
*If you think something, say something! He isn't a mind reader!
*Teach your children well. I try to teach Lily to clean-as-you-go.
*Give assignments. Dan has 2 assigned dish nights every week. And he knows they're there, they're not changing, and I can always count on him to get them done.

Rach's Words of Wisdom: (for the Molly's...hee hee)
Talk with your husband about your never-ending mental "to do" list. He probably has no idea! Assess the situation and be motivated to make positive changes TOGETHER!
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