Wednesday, March 3, 2010

From Blah -> Muah Candles!

These make really cute (and super cheap) gifts - I got this pair of Pier 1 candles at D.I. for $2! So if you have a few dollars and about 20 minutes, you can make this fun and easy gift for anyone, anytime!
1. Go to DI. Get lost for 45 minutes. Check out the awesome women's clothing section. Find treasure near the pillowcases and tablecloths. And don't forget to glance through the shoes. And OH YES...pick up some ugly duckling candles.

2. Find some cute paper (scrapbook paper, magazine cut-outs, etc) and cut it to the height of your candles.

3. Dear God: Thank you for Mod Podge. Without it, we would all be lost. We would be but stray sheep wandering from thy crafty flock.

4. Smooth out any air bubbles and add as much Holy Mod Podge as you need!

5. Give those suckers a glossy finish with some clear varnish.

6. Display.

7. Act completely shocked when people compliment you on your candles.
Stranger: "Rach, did you make those?"
Rach: "What, these old things?! Why...yes I did."
Stranger: "They must have taken you forever!"
Rach: "Oh, please. They were nothing. When you're talking about my raw, unique talent, these candles are a joke."
Stranger: (Thinking) "Oh. What a bitch."

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