Wednesday, March 3, 2010

DIY: $1 Ornaments

I bought a roll of 15 gold and silver ornaments for $1 at the Dollar Store, and turned them into paper mache-type cute ones! Follow these steps and you can make your own!
1. Find cute (and colorful!) pages from a magazine.

2. Crumple into balls to give the paper some texture.

3. Cover one ornament at a time with Mod Podge. Rip the selected paper into strips and use more Mod Podge as you go.

4. After all ornaments are covered, give them one more good layer of the glorious Mod Podge.

5. I ended with a coat of clear varnish to give them a glossy finish.

6. Find some perfect ribbon for bows...

7. And Viola! Cute Christmas ornaments to use as you choose. I'll be handing mine out with some of our Christmas cards.

Happy Holidays!

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