Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Thankful Banner Tutorial

I know Thanksgiving is this week, but I quickly made this banner to hang because I had no decorations up!

You can use these instructions to make banners that say anything: Merci, Thanks, Happy Birthday, etc!

It's super easy! Here's how I did it:
1. I printed out letters to cut and trace.

2. Cut out 2 pieces of fabric big enough for the letter to fit. (I made mine out of t-shirt scraps)

3. Put a piece of cotton batting in between the fabric, and pin the letter to all 3 layers.

4. Do this for all letters.

5. Using the paper letter as a stencil, sew around the edges (through all 3 layers).

Here is what it will look like:

6. Cut out all letters, leaving enough space from the seams.

7. I then fit the individual letters to some background fabric.

8. Sew (or hot glue) the letters onto the background fabric.

Here's what they will look like:

9. Now hang on a string and ENJOY!

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